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Lifestyle changes

You can help yourself too by making some changes to your lifestyle. One of the most positive steps you can take is to incorporate aerobic exercise for about half an hour into your daily routine. This can range from brisk walking to full gym sessions. Studies show that exercising every day for 30 minutes rather than, for example, every other day for 60 minutes provides the maximum benefit, particularly with respect to improving your insulin sensitivity. Combined with an effective targeted treatment, the effects can be striking.


Relatively modest lifestyle changes can have marked benefits


Losing weight has also been shown to pay health dividends. A reduction in your BMI of just 5% can give a major boost to your chances of having a baby and improving your general well-being. A change of diet, including a restriction of carbohydrate and caloric intake, coupled with regular daily exercise for just half an hour can give you more control over your health.


Reducing carbohydrate intake and a daily brisk 30-minute walk should help


Combining lifestyle changes with targeted treatment for the underlying cause has been shown to significantly benefit the general health of affected women. Improvements can be measured by changes in weight, blood pressure, insulin, blood glucose and your blood lipids (often referred to as cholesterol).


Biochemical improvements often precede the elimination or reduction of the typical symptoms including reduction in acne, hirsutism and returning to a normal ovulatory cycle.

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